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Monday 12 August 2019

Curvy Kates 10th Anniversary London Bus Tour!

My first time joining up with Curvy Kate was in July 2016, I had just started putting myself out there again after having my second son. I was on a journey, one I'm sure never really ends, to become more body positive and to love myself for who I am. I got through to the Live Auditions of the Curvy Kate Star in a Bra Competition and since then have worked on a couple of their fabulous campaigns. So this year when the brand turned 10, I knew I wanted to be involved. Though when my invite came through to join the Curvy Kate 10th Anniversary London Bus Tour, I did wonder if I was out of my depth, but as many things go in my life, I agreed, and just went along with the ride.

The Powderpuff Room
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Sunday 3 March 2019

Hell Bunny - May Day Dress Review

Photography Hell Bunny-  by Dottie Photography
HMUA - Siobhan Drew
At the end of January my blog reached its 4 year anniversary, but with life being a bit crazy at the end of last year. I feel I've lost my way a little. So to kick off a new year I feel I need to start again, with something fresh and cheerful. After all this blog is all about things that make me smile, keeping me searching for silver linings and learning to turn things around when things are difficult. Because Summer is a state of mind, not just a season .....
The Powderpuff Room
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