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Wednesday 29 July 2015

Lush Oxford Street!

I was so heartbroken when I heard Lush had this massive store full of exclusive products opening, and I was far too pregnant to travel to see it! So after my visit to Gorilla perfumes for their 1st Birthday, I thought I would take the opportunity to pop in to Lush Oxford Street and finally see what everyone has been talking about!
The Powderpuff Room
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Friday 24 July 2015

Gorilla Perfumes - My New Fragraces Vlog

So while celebrating my anniversary, I thought I would take the opportunity to film my first Vlog. I wanted to make a video to share my love of my new Gorilla Perfumes, 'Love', '25:43' and 'B scent'. It is my first, so be kind and if you enjoy please feel free to subscribe and let me know if there is anything else you would like me to feature next time.

Thank you for watching!
The Powderpuff Room
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Wednesday 22 July 2015

Gorilla Perfumes - 1st Birthday

One of my favourite aspect of Lush is their fragrances. When I found out they had one shop dedicated to their perfumes, (as well as actually making a perfume with Gorilla Perfume) it became the top of my wish list to go. Having recently delivered my second son, I've missed out on some great lush experiences, so when I heard Gorilla Perfumes Islington were having their one year birthday celebrations, I knew this was a perfect time to finally go and visit. 
The Powderpuff Room
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Wednesday 15 July 2015

An interview with Nicole from The Hourglass

I've talked a little in my blog about how growing up I never had much confidence. I was bullied through out school and no matter how I looked there was always a reason someone didn't like me. As I grew up and found myself, I became happier and when I was offered a chance to model, I didn't understand why, but I gave it a try. Through modelling my confidence grew, I couldn't believe it when I got pictures back and I didn't look as bad as I thought I did. I worked so hard to accept myself for who I was, and to not change but improve on things I wasn't happy with.
The Powderpuff Room
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Sunday 12 July 2015

Big Blue Bath Bomb - Lush Review

The Big Blue Bath Bomb has been in my collection for quite some time now. It was while organising my Lush basket I found myself a little saddened when I found that it had broken, but I decided to use this opportunity to try it out and make a little Bath Cocktail to cheer myself up.
The Powderpuff Room
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Wednesday 8 July 2015

Floating Island Bath Melt - Lush Review

While feeling rather worn out and a little in need of care I turned to the Floating Island Bath Melt for a little get-away. Like most Bath Melts it is not much to look at. It doesn't put on a marvellous display like Lush Bath Bombs. Instead the magic in the Floating Island Bath Melt all lies in the ingredients and what they have to offer. 
The Powderpuff Room
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Sunday 5 July 2015

Ocean Salt Face And Body Scrub - Lush Review

'The salty, citrus fragrance is refreshing on the skin and mind, like diving into the cool blue ocean' - Lush

I don't know why I haven't reviewed the Ocean Salt Face And Body Scrub yet! It is one of my favourite Lush products and probably among the ones I use the most. This product has so much to offer, I find myself in need of it not only when my skin is feeling tired but when I am too.
The Powderpuff Room
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