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Wednesday 24 August 2016

My Lush HQ Visit

If you have read my blog before you may know that I have suffered from anxiety, I haven't gone into detail and I know some people don't understand how serious this mental illness can be. I don't want to run through the whole long story, but I feel I should explain that after my miscarriage, mine meant I didn't leave the house for a year and I often suffered from anxiety attacks. I am getting out a lot now and like to think I am coping well with being busy again, but sometimes I still feel a bit like a child playing grown up and I am very weary of falling back into the state that I was. This is where Lush comes in, not only does smells and Lush products relax me, but when I am feeling partically on edge, a trip to Poole always grounds me.
The Powderpuff Room
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