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Friday 25 September 2015

Lush Northamptons 10th Birthday Party!

One of the things I really value in a company is good customer care. I would count this as providing what I have paid for, offering advice when possible and being polite. It doesn't really take a lot to make me happy. Yet sometimes I find myself not shopping in stores just because I feel uncomfortable with people, (Yay the joy of an anxiety disorder). However when it comes to Lush, I have never been made to feel awkward and, as my son often comments, I feel like I'm a part of their very happy family.
The Powderpuff Room
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Sunday 20 September 2015

Powder Puff Deodorant Powder - Lush Kitchen Review

As you can imagine as a writer, I love words, and as I've mentioned before one of the things I love about lush is their wonderful use of them. I love how they describe their products, I love their funny puns and I love their quirky product names. I am also delighted by the fact that I now own a Lush product that shares the same name as my blog!
The Powderpuff Room
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Wednesday 9 September 2015

Lush Makeup Makeover!

It is a well hidden secret that I'm a bit of a Lush addict and also a bit of a Makeup one too! Okay it's not a secret at all, you wouldn't even have to spend two minutes with me to work out just how obsessed I am. So I thought I would take a moment to bring two of my loves together.
The Powderpuff Room
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Friday 4 September 2015

An interview with Gretchen from Bohemian Finds!

Anyone who knows me, will know about my unhealthy obsession with dresses. Nothing makes me feel as good as getting made up and putting on a stunning dress that stands out. Sometimes however it can be a little difficult to find the perfect one. This can be made harder if your a plus size, interested in clothes that aren't in main stream stores or you live in a town with minimal shops.
The Powderpuff Room
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