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Thursday 16 June 2016

Bohemian Finds Photoshoot with Khandie Photography!

There have been two things in my life that have brought me confidence, One being pretty dresses and the other taking part in photoshoots. I have finally got to the stage of accepting myself for who I am. Our bodies may change, but we always have a right to feel beautiful and no one but ourselves have a right to judge. It is heartwarming to see so many people campaigning for body positivity, and seeing more stores show love and acceptance. No one can say you are to big or to small, our bodies are our own choices and if someone can not support that they have no right to comment on it.
The Powderpuff Room
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Friday 10 June 2016

Smuggler's Soul Facial Scrub - Lush Review

I am whole heartedly in love with Gorilla Perfumes fragrances, and a good facial scrub is also a must have in my cosmetic collection. So as you can imagine, when I heard there would be three products released by Lush as part of their Fathers Day Range sharing the Smugglers Soul scent, I was ecstatic.  Then I found out one would be a facial scrub, and this left me floating on cloud 9. Ever since, I have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of this smoky, Sandalwood treat, and now it is in my possession I can confirm it has not left me disappointed.
The Powderpuff Room
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